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Doug Motivates!

High Hopes


In his own unique way, Doug presents the Ups and Downs on how he accomplished not one, not two, but three Stilt Walking Guinness World Records!  You will be entertained, surprised, and motivated as Doug shares his world record adventure and most importantly, how you can challenge yourself and motivate support from others to reach your dreams and goals. Doug will teach you how to reach for the stars, understand that setbacks should not be an end but a learning experience towards achieving success.

Doug the Great – Entertainer


AS an accomplished Stilt Walker, juggler and magician, Doug has entertained many people for over twenty-five years. On stilts, Doug has performed for the Toronto Blue Jays at the Rogers Centre, for the Toronto Maple Leafs at the Air Canada Centre, at the top of the CN Tower and at the Niagara Falls and Windsor Casino’s. Doug was doing so well as a stilt walker entertainer that when anyone in Canada mentioned ‘stilt walker’ Doug’s name would come up.

The Accident


On June 8 1996, while participating in his daughter’s dance company, Doug severely injured his right knee. After surgery, Doug was told the worst possible news! He not just torn his arterial cruciate ligament, but completely disintegrated it! Along with other damages sustained Doug was told that his stilt walking ability and career was probably over.

"Stilt Trying"


As Director of Fund Raising, Marketing and Volunteer Services for Participation House Brantford (an organization that strives to support Adults with Physical Disabilities) you would think dealing with a knee injury would be easily dealt with. However, in Doug’s words: “It was the worst thing that has happened to me in my life!”   This of course, meant no more stilt walking and having to rely on a knee brace. Today Doug now wears his knee brace proudly like it is a trophy.

Go big or go home.


In his presentation, Doug will share how he went from depression to anger to enthusiasm and motivation. Doug’s challenge was not only to get back on his stilts but to master walking on stilts over 5 stories high. In doing so, along with his 40 member team, over $75,000.00 was raised for those who could not walk, let alone walk on stilts!

How this relates to you.


Everyone has challenges and you are no different. It's how you deal with them that matters. A bump in the road is not the end of the road unless you want it to be. Doug's presentation will motivate you to accept the challenges in life as something to use to your advantage and move forward. Go to the Contact US page to see how we can work together for an amazing presentation!

"As a teacher for the Grand Erie District School board, I have had Mr Hunt present to my class on numerous occasions. He has been a positive role model to my students for over a decade and handled them effortlessly. He demonstrated his skills to communicate with both staff and students, and the due to his dedication and attention to detail has inspired many along the way.


His role as a motivational speaker requires strong communication and organizational skills. He has shown that not only has these skills but that he also has the ability to inspire respect and cooperation in students in a very entertaining way. He has shown that he is very intelligent and well rounded person with the ability well-suited to the world of public speaking and motivational presentations."

Darryl Collin


Grand Erie District School Board

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